Saturday, December 22, 2007


When I first planned a Mosaic Madness festival, creations crafted from “hard” mediums, such as ceramics, tile, and glass were what I had in mind. But somewhere along the way, all that changed.
I realized there were artists out there working with paper, fabrics, and even food items to create mosaic-like designs. Quilters and scrappers are mosaic makers, too!

In my post about Steve Coenen, I challenged you to guess what Steve used to create the mosaic on his bathroom doors. You won’t believe it…. He used seed packets!

When confined to bed due to a near fatal accident, he realized cutting tiles and breaking up ceramics was impossible. Not one to stop designing, he noticed some seed packets lying around and started snipping.For several months, a local nursery and a worldwide network of friends kept him supplied with seed packs for his pictorial and abstract mosaics. When Steve was well enough to walk around, he created the doors.
Tera Leigh also uses paper in unusual ways. Her designs mimic traditional mosaics. To learn more go to Tera's website.

Photo credits: Seed mosaic in the making by Dan Mayers, turtle from


Alison Gibbs said...

What an interesting post Barbara. I had never heard of mosaics using paper. How amazing.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I was going to quess small photos. Seed packets! Amazing. I love the faux mosaic piece on the cover of the book.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

It never ceases to amaze me how creative people are! Thank you for sharing!

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Carrie said...

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas.
Whenever time might permit...You are invited to visit the nativity scenes gallery posted Dec. 23 at Oak Rise Cottage blog. The collection includes over 50 countries from the various continents. Each nativity set expresses the story of Christ’s birth according to the perspective of the artist:
Hope to see you soon,

Seeb said...

You made me interested in mosaic designs.can I start it with out any teacher or class!!??what I need?

Angela @ Cottage Magpie said...

You know what I love about you and your blog? It's always full of these little interesting tidbits that I haven't heard before and am hearing nowhere else. It's wonderful and I love it--this post is no exception! Thanks!
~Angela :-)

Betty Jo said...

Barbara thanks so much for your visits! What a wonderful post. I would love to try mosaics someday, perhaps digital for me. I wish you and yours the Merriest Christmas ever and the Happiest New Year! Looking forward to blogging with you in '08.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Good morning Barbara~ thanks for stopping by for a visit at my blog. I do wish that those cookies had zero calories!

I have seen Steve's work before in a magazine and love the details. He must have an incredible amount of patience to do such finite work. Just amazing!

Have a lovely Christmas!


Southern Heart said...

I wish I were that creative...those mosaics are amazing!

I wanted to wish you and those you love a very blessed Christmas!

xo, Andrea