Sunday, April 6, 2008


It's cherry blossom season here in Washington DC.
There are single cherries in bloom.
White blossomed varieties,
And pink ones, too.

In my garden, the daffodils are in their glory.

Then, I became obsessed with growing different kinds. Over two thousand bloom in March and April. Most I can identify by name but a few are mysteries.

(White Tahiti)

(Yellow Tahiti)

(Saucer Magnolia 'Lennei')

And more daffodils, of course!
(Mount Hood)

(Pineapple Prince)


(Chickadees galore)

(Epimedium - a great ground cover)

(Lamb's ear and pink creeping phlox)


(Anemone blanda)

(Belgium and the Lennei magnolia tree)

Belgium checking out the peachy pink Salome daffodils


Mosaic*Queen said...

Oooooh! Thanks for sharing! I love seeing the gardens of others.


Georgia Peachez said...

Your daffodils are just spectacular! The cherry blossoms in DC are spectacular this year too! Tomorrow starts the Daffodil festival down here in Gloucester.
I have never been but your pictures make me want to go this year and it is spring break this week too. Thanks SO much for sharing all the beautiful pictures. xo, suzy

Georgia Peachez said...

Well darn it, that was the wrong link for the Daffodil Festival! Guess there is more than one, but the one in Gloucester is THE one! It was last week too so I will have to wait for next year. But your daffodils are spectacular! xo, suzy

Anonymous said...

Absolutely awesome. Thank you for sharing.

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

your garden is indeed blooming into the photos..i have missed you...r

S said...

Hi Barbara,
Your garden looks wonderful! Thankyou so much for sharing...we are way off our spring flowers over in Australia! :(
Siobhan xo

Cathy said...

Oh Barbara, I am so darn jealous. I don't think spring will ever arrive here in New England.

I so enjoyed your photos.


Natasha Burns said...

Wow your garden is amazing Barbara! I love the daffodils and magnolia, but the best part is of course, Belgium enjoying it!

Anonymous said...

My favorites are those amazing Cherry Blossom trees and the Flowering Sweet Almond. Oh so pretty. I've never heard of the Sweet Almond. I WANT SOME....:) And of course Beligum, she's so sweet and the Chickadee...!!!
Love Them,

NeereAnDear said...

I could wander through your garden for days and be in heaven... simply lovely.... one thing I do miss are the Cherry blossoms in DC... simply breathtaking...

I am such an avid gardener but I suffer for it come spring ... oh my...

However it cant stop me from one of my favorite past times...

There is nothing more peaceful and brings you closer to Nature and all her beauty than a walk through a garden... 2000 daffodils indeed!!!



Anonymous said...

You have the most beautiful assortment of daffodils! I spent the day in the garden myself. But then I usually do! Spiffing up and decorating and tending to the pond. Greeting all the new plants that are poking up. Loving every minute of spring!

Barbara said...

Would be hard to say which is the most beautiful.
My last two chapters are posted. Thanks for your encouragement.

Linda said...

Hi Barbara,
Oh what beautiful photos of spring flowers. Thank you for sharing.
Cheers Linda

Lallee said...

The blooms are beautiful and Belgium looks so sweet among them.

A Romantic Porch said...

Your pictures are absolutely breathtaking! Love,Rachel

Anonymous said...

I love cherry blossoms. They're one of my favorites.

And, thanks for taking us on a walk through your garden. It looks beautiful!

~ Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous blooms, but Belgium is the most beautiful of all!!!!


Tutti Chic said...

Just look at all in bloom! This post made me happy & made me smile! :) chris

Susie Q said...

Such beauty in each photo but I must admit that the last two swept me off my feet. : ) Smooches to Belgium!


Anonymous said...

What delicious photos. I'm originally from Maryland so I know the Cherry Blossom Festival quite well. I never get tired of seeing these beautiful trees in full bloom.

Can you believe we're expecting snow flurries here in Chicago this weekend? Ugh!

Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Ahh Belgium is sweet! My Golden smells flowers too! Beautiful flowers - isn't it great that spring is finally here. I love daffodils!


{oc cottage} said...

Just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Belgium looks like he enjoys the garden!~xo

Liz Harrell said...

Fabulous photos. I wish I had more 'floral' things in my yard. But right now, I'll just settle for the green stuff! :)

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Such spectacular blossoms! Your photographs are wonderful. They capture the essence of spring so beautifully. The array of daffs is wonderful (I love daffs). And Belgium is adorable.

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Beautiful, just beautiful! I love the cherry blossoms...

ps - come visit, I am having my
200th post giveaway through Monday!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Such pretty flower pictures! Thanks for sharing them.

And Belgium is a sweetie!

Kimberly :)

Kathryn Bechen said...


Vintage Rose Collection said...

Happy Sunday Angel! Your garden is pure bliss Barbara! I needed a walk thru the daffodils today...Gorgoues photos!
Wishing you a beautiful week!

Donna said...

Beautiful spring pictures! I especially like Belgium!

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Hi Barbara,
WOW! How gorgeous are those flowers!! Thanks for sharing the inspiration.
Have a wonderful week.
I posted my 300th post giveaway and hope you'll come on over and check it out.
Sandy :)

Mary said...

Wow! You have an amazing garden. Do you mind my asking how big it is? We are about a week or two behind you -- just starting to see flowering cherries...

Thanks for the spectacular show!