The first time I saw a true blue bird in my Virginia backyard, I was so delighted by their vivid turquoise color that I understood why they are knicknamed the “bluebirds of happiness.”

Each spring I impatiently await their arrival. This year, they arrived in my garden on April 10th.
Thanks to Sherri at Antique Paperie, I can now watch bluebirds all year long. Check out her amazing gift tags and other vintage goods at

We are now working on Part 3 (the final section) of the book. There are 21 chapters. Two are done and the third nearly so.
Posts may be sporadic for a while, while I burn the midnight oil.
As promised, here are some of Ian’s photos.
I included ones taken at my house, as well as a few others that show his unique perspective on the world at large.
Close-ups are one of his specialties.
Ian takes summer fun to new heights.
Marshmallows any one?

Even the forest floor takes on a new look.

If you’d like to contact Ian about the rights to any of the shots shown here -- or to see more of his work -- you can write him at
How wonderful to have the bluebird in your own back yard. So pretty.
Love Ian's photography, especially the beach shot.
Hi Barbara,
I love bluebirds. We had some when I lived in TN. But so far here in NC, I have not seen any. We did have a Indigo Blue Bunting this week under our feeder - gorgeous bird!
I really enjoyed all of Ian's photos. They are really great!
Sounds like you are really deep into the mystery project. I know it is going to be amazing. I am still looking forward to the Cozy Waterside Cottages book....(I am going to make sure I get an autographed copy!)
Such a pretty little blue bird. The photography is amazing!
Good morning, Barbara!
We have Bluebirds, here in Missouri. In fact the Bluebird is Missouri's state bird. At the farm we had blue bird houses, on fench posts. They were simple boxes, with a slanted roof and a Bluebird sized entry drilled.
Another blue bird you would enjoy seeing is the Indigo Bunting. Have you seen them? You'll never forget it if you do, I promise. We often saw them along the lane at the farm. They fly low to the ground. The color is a bright aqua, more blue green than the Bluebird.
I enjoyed seeing Ian's photography. I'm a huge fan of photography. It pleases me, so much, my granddaughter (Xanti), will be going to photography school this summer. She has a natural gift for photography. I hope she continues with her love of this art.
We had bluebirds playing in our back yard yesterday. They love our fountain, and they rewarded us with their beauty.
What a lovely little bird!
"...loud squawking blue jays..."
LOL, yes, we have plenty of those, here. :)
I love the close-up photos! It really gives a different perspective on your event.
Kimberly :)
I have never seen a blue bird up close either... and I live right here in VA too... do you have feeders you leave out? Would love to caputure one in a photo....
Ians pics are fantastic... looks as if he has quite an eye for color and the perfect shot...
These photos are absolutely amazing. What talent Ian has. Each an every picture is a story in itself. Just fabulous.
I took a photo of a bird in her nest sitting on her blue eggs right outside my back deck. She decided to make her nest right on my potting bench. Very clever of her. Now I have to walk out the front door and all the way around to get into the garden so I don't disturb her.
Have a great day,
So talented! And I want you to know that I never saw a true bluebird until moving to East Texas three years ago. Now, every year, they nest in two of my back birdhouses. Nothing like seeing the vivid cobalt blue and orange of a bluebird.
Oh how I love Bluebirds. Mom and Dad always had some nest in a little house near their kitchen windows when they lived in TN.
Loved all of Ian's photos. I always love to see the work of others as I enter into this world. Photography has become my new joy and I find myself looking at the world so differently now. Always seeing it as in a potential photo image!
Have a great week Barbara.
First of all thanks for bluebird picture,I love them and I have never seen one;)and other picture looks great thanks for sharing,
look forward to see you on my blog.
Barbara, thanks for visiting me back in March...I been adding to my blog pictures I have taken of Texas Wild Flowers, on our country ranch roads...They are so pretty this year....
I always love your blog and pictures...I get it in my email...
The bluebird picture is so breath taking...I do have them sit on my fences...and drink from my bird bath...your added pictures of Lan's photos...are all so great...thanks for sharing...
from the Heart of Texas,
What wonderful shots barbara! Seems as though photographing nature is his passion! :) chris
Hey there ... I commented to this post.. but apparently it didnt go through... been happening a lot lately with other ones too
I was talking about how I have never seen a blue bird up close even though I live in VA too... how lucky you are to have one so close to you use a particular kind of seed or anything??
Your sons photos are spectacular and I love how he captures his subjects... fabulous job
The photographs are beautiful but I love the one of the Bluebird because I have not seen one before.
Do remind me. Having been away a few days my brain has gone into neutral.
Is Rita a lady that lives in Rayleigh? I cannot find the comment relating to that.
Anyhow hope you continue to have a lovely time with your guests.
Hi Barbara, Ian's photos are terrific. So talented!!Really enjoy them and also your sweet bluebird pic. I have not seen bluebirds in my part of Texas yet.
Looking forward to your Cottages book!
Lovely post.
la rea rose
Oh my! That is the prettiest bird, you are right, no wonder they are called the Bluebird of Happiness. It makes you happy just seeing them!:)
Loved the close ups...sigh, something I am still going to have to work on. Ian's work is astoundingly beautiful, you can see it is his passion.
I don't think we have bluebirds either in our backyard. Bluejays, yes, but not bluebirds. Those are so pretty. Beautiful photos from Ian. I wish you the best with this new book project.
Thank you for stopping by, love to hear from you.
Oh, thank you so much for stopping by my blog I really appreciate it. Ian's photos are great too. I forgot how beautiful nature can be, that is until I saw it through the eyes of a photgrapher. The smallest things can all of the sudden become such great works of art.
Have a great day.
What a fab photographer!
Love the blue bird - I have never seen one like it here. (I am in Ontario, Canada) I guess I will just have to purchase some of Sherri's wonderful renderings! :)
What an absolute honour and pleasure to have you visit my blog. We haven't turned the soil yet on our building project but along the way I would so appreciate your input, comments, feeback. With such wonderful experience... you would have seen it all! I LOVE the little bluebird!
Best Wishes, A-M from Australia xx
PS. I deliberately set up my blog title font so that the copyright information wouldn't ruin the picture! The picture is from Southern Living Style.
I watch for bluebirds each year as well, Barbara, but I've never thought to document the date I spot the first one. I often tuck a blue bird of happiness in my paintings believing every home should have one.
Lovely post,
Love the bluebirds. What a wonderful gift. Great photos too.
Hope you have a great weekend.
I love the bluebirds. Wish they would come to my back yard!
Ian's photos are fabulous!
Have a great weekend!
Ian's pictures are just amazing. I love the marshmallows roasting. He has a natural talent it seems. We see a blue bird every now and then. I love them.
Look forward to MORE....!!!
Have a wonderful Mothers Day,
I hope that you have a lovely Mother's Day Barbara!
Beautiful photos Barbara!! Bluebirds are a favorite of mine as well. I've become quite fascinated with looking at them and painting them lately.
Hi Babette!
Just popping in to wish you a beautiful Mother's Day!~xo
Hi Barbara,
Happy Mother's Day!
Really Fabulous photos Barbara!
Happy Mother's Day doll!!!
Wishing you love, pampering and relaxation!
Hey Barbara,
Just dropping by to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!!
May you always be surrounded by the bluebirds of happiness!
Happy Mother's Day Barbara!
Oh how precious is that bluebird! I wish we had them in Austrlaia. One of my favourite films as a child was The Bluebird with Shirley Temple.
Love all of Ian's photos, his close-ups are wonderful!
Good luck with the project. I'm never happier than I am when I'm up to my ears working on something I love.
The eastern bluebird is my very favorite bird of all! We see them often around our home. I recently added bluebird graphics to a new scrapbook kit I designed called Birdsong Creek, a preview is on my blog. I adore Ian's photos. He has a super eye for photography.
Ian and my daughter should meet, their photography is similar and they elevate the everyday ordinary to the extraordinary! Love his work! Thanks for sharing it!
Ah, now bluebirds are a favorite of mine also. I am watching one build a nest in my neighbors bird house and can't wait to see its little hatch lings! I love their song also!
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