And I snapped a few good photos when I was there last week for wedding #2, but since I'm off to Los Angeles in the morning for celebration #3, you'll have to wait to see more.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway (see below). One lucky winner will be selected on June 18th.
For those counting along... 14 chapters done, 9 to go.
HOW DO YOU keep up with TIME...Do you really even KNOW what time zone you're in....You are turning into an East Coast / West Coast gal....:)
Well have fun a yet another special event and congrats on getting even closer to the finish line on your MYSTERY PROJECT....
Hugs to you,
Are you ever home for more than one day at a time? Have fun in La-La land! The weather is fine out here!!
M ^..^
I love the photos of the NY tees. How adorable.
Can't wait to see your book and your newest Mystery Project.
Now thats what I call workin it!!
I love a good mystery ... so I cant wait to find out about this project and what you are "celebrating" !!
Have fun!!
Looking forward to hearing more about your celebrations.
Have a wonderful trip!
Great picture! Have a wonderful trip and be safe...
Decorating books as a giveaway? I'm in. Whoever has enough of those? Joanne - glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
Hi Barbara, love those NY tees. Safe travels and looking forward to the mystery project!
Big hugs,
la rea rose
Oh I do so love NYC! Have a great time and can noit wait to hear all your new news!
You are on the go so much! We just returned from a week in DC and I have so much catching up to do! I have no idea how you do it! You are amazing!!
Oh yes, I went crazy buying these t-shirts like a dorky tourist. What a fantastic city.
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