Tuesday, November 11, 2008


There's celebrating in the Jacksier and Mayers households tonight.
(floormat by Bungalow)

We received this e-mail late this afternoon.

"Hi Barbara and Dan,
I know Barbara talked with our CEO, Christopher Robbins, awhile ago, and after that he tentatively placed Waterside Cottages on our Fall 2009 list. I just wanted to confirm that the book will definitely be on that list. It will go to the printer in March, and books will arrive in in July. Everything’s ready to go!

I hope you’re both doing well and that you have a great holiday season.

Best regards,
Gibbs Smith, Publisher"

Your votes made the difference. Thank You!


Unknown said...

YAY!!! Congratulations! How exciting! A well-deserved success. Thanks for sharing your celebratory moment with your blogger buddies! :)
((hugs)) to you!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Yahoooo!!!! I am doing the Happy Dance for you both!! That is GREAT news Barbara. I can't wait to get my hands on that book.

Sometimes It's Good said...

I'm so glad that happened! I can't wait to read the new book!

Rue said...

Congratulations Barbara!!! I can't wait to read it :)


NeereAnDear said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!! That is the best news !!!

I know how hard you have worked... see sometimes waiting is worth it ...



My Petite Maison said...

Hi Barbara,
I'm happy dancing it! I hope to see you at a signing ;) Like I always say... (just ask my hubby) good things happen to good people. So happy for you.
(((hugs))) ~Tracie

-Blogger's not being friendly today, so I hope you did not get this three times... let's try again ;)

Cindy said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so great! I can't wait to see it!

. said...

Hooray! That's awesome news! I can't wait to pick up my own copy. I'm still thoroughly enjoying all the beautiful books you sent me. They've been such inspiration on our bathroom makeover.


Jennifer Hayslip said...

WONDERFUL news Barbara!!! Im soo thrilled for you! YAY!!!! Cant wait to get two copies! One for me and one for my Mom. :)

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Doing the happy dance for you and Dan here too! (while listening to Edith Piaff) Congrats, can't wait to see the book.
xo moi

The Painted Garden said...

Yeah - yahooo!!! Like Winston Churchill said - never- never - never give up - never -Congratulations and thank you for sharing your exciting news. I can't wait to buy your beautiful book.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Barbara,

Congratulations....I know that was such a disappointment for you, to have something you've worked so hard on, put on hold. I'm glad this book will be coming out next year...I'm thrilled for you!!!!


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic news Barbara! I'm so happy for you and Dan AND for us to have the opportunity to own your book!


Anonymous said...

Oh what GOOD GOOD NEWS...:) And YOU deserve to Celebrate...!!! You have lots of us waiting to get some of the first copies....

Congrats Barbara..!!! I'm so happy to here this.

Big Hugs to you,

cheryls fascinatingfinds said...

Hi Barbara, check out my blog you've been givin an award,

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Now that's an e-mail.

I look forward to seeing it all in print. Enjoy your good news.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Barbara, that's great news!

Anonymous said...

Something wonderful to look forward to next summer! I never really gave up on it~~~Congrats Barbara & Dan!
xo Roberta

Vintage Rose Collection said...

This is FABULOUS news Barbara! Finally, the wait is over!!
Congratulations to both of you!!!!!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Congrats, Barbara! That's great news for you. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Yahhoooo, Yipppeeeio! Wow this is great news...I want one! Oh Barbara I am so happy for you...light some fireworks...ok maybe a candle...giggle and celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Yippee!! That's so great! Can't wait for it to come out!


Anonymous said...

Great News! Congrats! Kathryn

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

HOORAY!!!!! I'm SO happy for you!!!!! That's really exciting that your blogging audience's voice was heard.


Unknown said...

I am so very happy for you. After reading your post about your delay I wrote Madge Baird and asked her about it. I am so glad to see it is back on. It's a shame you had to endure that stress but I am sure it will all be worth it int he end for you. I can't wait to buy my copy in July.

Anonymous said...

So glad that your book worked out! (I don't think my previous comment went through.)


The Old Painted Cottage said...

Barbara, congratulations! I will be one of the first to buy this book...I simply cannot wait to see it!
